A whole nother life

I've had a couple lives. That sounds very mystical and cool/crazy until you realize that I'm talking about where I've been in this life time.

There is the girl I was.
The young married pagan priestess I was, with young children and a husband.
The shell I was after our divorce.
The sturdy lieutenant who works watchfully to make sure her family is provided for.

I've been a lot of people. And not everyone who knows me has been able to travel through those lives with me. My family has been drug along for the ride, and weathered it well. A handfull of brave amazon friends have clung to me through the briars and brush.

Like a snake shedding her skin, each change has brought me new lessons, new challenges, new talents. I hated the pain of transformation, but I have loved the results.

I am on the cusp of another transition. A victory over my fears. Ahead lies a path filled with hard work and challenges.

I am so excited.

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