The Blame Game

This game starts at the moment we realize there is punishment for poor choices, and THEN we discover that as long as the path of an action doesn't STOP with us, that we are in the clear. Usually we make this discovery somewhere around the age of 2 or so. Hopefully sometime AFTER 2 we learn about responsibility, but that's a whole nother blog.

Today's blame is being placed squarely on the shoulders of the quirkiest non-susan redhead I know. (And before you ask, every Susan I know is crazy, quirky or downright mad as a hatter - haircolor aside. And yes it is my mom's name. Doesnt that prove my point?) But I digress. Today's blame goes to Red aka Christen for getting me hooked on this blogging thing. Yes, that's right, because of her, my tawdry wit will be revealed for the whole world (aka audience of 3) to see. And I am sure that at some point, some random writing will be dredged up and used against me in a court of law to show that I am the queen of darkness, that I have minions (got them on sale cheap at Wal-mart, but you have to buy the ones with spanish labels, the others talk back too much) or that I am a horrible mother.

And who knows, maybe I am all of those things, which brings us back to the Blame Game again. Because if I am the queen of darkness, then we can always pin the blame on whatever made me that way. Perhaps I wasnt picked first for the sports teams as a child... oh wait, I was an all Star basketball player my freshman year of high school.. so nix that.. Maybe I wasnt loved by my father enough and I... no wait, my father adored me from the moment I was made till the moment he died, and probably still does from beyond... so scratch that reason too. Well..poo. So much for the Blame Game. I must be the way I am, because it is the way I am.

But I am still blaming Christen for this blog. Somebody has to take the rap for something.

1 comment:

CKD said...

I happily take the "blame" for you sharing your wit with the world! Congratulations and welcome.